Don't believe a thing I say


An invisible hand overshadows my life

Stress from work, comes from not being able to communicate with people in the way I do well in

Ketan sat in front of the table, talked to me across the lounge, across Wako and Waolee who were into their phones

How it feels like working behind the counter in the uni dining hall

Even though it's what they call a free society, people still tend to look down on you, if you stand over on the other end serving them

Sometimes he talks about physics equations to pre-vet students and made them real stoked, how did this man who scoops my dinner know this stuff?

He would often give people heaps of food, because he knows in the end it would go wasted otherwise, even though he has been told off a few times

He was serving some girls when they should have one scoop, and Ketan gave them two scoops, just casually said "that was one big scoop aye" and they all started to laugh

What a bitter and sweet feeling it must be at that moment, when you don't know what they laugh exactly about

He mentioned again that once his manager came to talk to the workers, and all the workers were trying to flatter him "oh a nice tie" dadada, and the manager just went to grab a plate full of food, sat down and ate in front of everyone. Ketan and the rest are not allowed any leftovers. No free food and everything goes to pigs.

What a strangely cruel world

He left me speechless for a moment, then he said, yup, not a lot of places like this flat aye, such a community spirit, maybe you just take it for granted. 

In comparison, I get free dinner from the restaurant job. 

I get free veges and fruits from market, free food from Jonathan and Angela and I don't even work for them, just helping out with some Chinese typing stuff

Ketan asked me what Jason would do if I don't take the bananas for free, I said I don't know, probably just go to waste

and I told them multiple times that I don't mind taking the almost rotten overripe stuff home and do something with them, because I just hate wasting food

So here he was, talking to me about his work over banana bread and muffins Wako made from the free bananas Jason and Barry gave me.

And I'm glad I called to ask him to pick up some bananas home. He's also taking some for Sandeep and Rachael, for trade he said. I asked trade what? He laughed, just friendship aye.


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